Mama Mia


This signature bouquet is created with love and passion and contains alluding astrantias, a hearty hydrangea, rich roses and sweet spray roses beautifully wrapped up in our signature boutique wrapping.





Product Description:

Celebrate Mom with our stunning floral arrangements, hand-crafted with love by our expert florists. Surprise her with a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers, or let us create a custom arrangement that’s as unique and special as she is.  This signature bouquet is created with love and passion and contains alluding astrantias, a hearty hydrangea, rich roses and sweet spray roses beautifully wrapped up in our signature boutique wrapping.

For more detailed flower arrangements please call our Flower Specialist at (647) 973-3267.  Custom handwritten note is included with your order, please add the message in the notes field of your order.

We reserve the right to substitute flowers that does not meet our criteria of quality assurance to give you the freshest masterpiece therefore items may not be exactly as seen but we are certain you will still be in awe of your purchase. Shop flowers from our Mississauga Luxury Flower Shop today.


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