Wrist Corsage Classic


An assortment of sweet spray roses, wonderful wax flower or gypsophila baby’s  breath complete this deluxe wristlet with minimal lush foliage.


Modern and lush flowers are styled to perfect your prom outfit or mother of the bride with our modern lush wrist corsage.   An assortment of sweet spray roses, wonderful wax flower or gypsophila baby’s  breath complete this deluxe wristlet with minimal lush foliage.   Styled secured onto a velcro or elastic wristlet or Shoulder Corsage pin, this is a one size fits all with the adjustable options.  Depending on colour, these prom wrist corsages may need to be ordered in advance.

Please specify colour tones in notes section when ordering online or call our shop at (647)973-3267. Prices will change during Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day


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