Petite Amore Rose Bouquet


This half dozen premium rose bouquet is just the right touch as a romantic gift for someone special.  Half dozen posh garden roses and two types of lush green foliage of leather fern and palm leaves are wrapped in a elegant presentation style package.


Product Description:

Make a lasting impression with a Half Dozen Rose Bouquet this Valentine’s Day! Say “I love you” in a truly romantic way with a bouquet of six luxury long stemmed roses.  Pretty pinks or rich reds, whatever colour you prefer will be eye-catching in this masterpiece.  Our expert florists will arrange your bouquet with care and style.  Shop now at Lush Flower Boutique for a Half Dozen Rose Bouquet that will take your loved one’s breath away.  Delivery or pick up options available for your convenience.  Celebrate love this Valentine’s Day with Lush Flower Boutique’s Half Dozen Gotcha Pink Rose Bouquet

For more detailed flower arrangements please call our Decor Specialist at (647) 973-3267.

A handwritten note is included with your order, please add the message in the notes field of your order.


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