Lush Dozen Amore Luxury Rose Bouquet


A dozen garden roses arranged with lush green foliage of salal tips and israeli ruscus neatly arranged into a luxury flower presentation bouquet that your sweetheart will enjoy.


Product Description:

Say I love you to your significant other or someone special with a dozen roses arranged with lush green foliage of salal tips and Israeli ruscus neatly arranged into a luxury flower presentation bouquet that your sweetheart will enjoy and beautifully arranged with love by our lead florist in our Mississauga Luxury Flower Shop. Add on a vase to keep your blooms long lasting. Seasonally available.

Add a handwritten personalized note to your bouquet to say I love you.

Add a dozen chocolate covered strawberries and a bottle of champagne for a perfect date-night.

For more detailed flower arrangements please call our Flower Specialist at (647) 973-3267.


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